Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Friday, 18 September 2009

Monday, 14 September 2009

Thursday, 10 September 2009

A photo a day

Wednesday 9 September
Tuesday 8 September
Monday 7 September
Sunday 8 September

Sunday, 6 September 2009

One fine day a petal fell on me

The sun shone dull upon the ground
under the flowering trees
all lined along my park

Two by to
they run dancing
their limbs entwined

through the greenery

The sun warms the ground
fallen white petals reflect light
to the gold leaves there before.

Dark and knobbly and twisted the trunks rise together

This is my park.
this is were I've had my birthday dancing,
where I fist kissed and wanted more
where I can see the trees grow

I've seen the floods drown my park.
saturate it with the ooze of suburbia

My park is wide and green
and stretches farther than your eye can see
My park takes me

Takes me to a place of peace
of dreams, of now, of quiet.

To a place here, right here
the centre of the universe

My park, isn't a park

This place is a sound
a breath, a feather

it's a moment
held in the rings of trees
sheltering time

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

hitchhikers guide

tell me the meaning to life the universe and everything and I'll show you the end of the world. Too much life, too much passion, too much of too much is fun.

"You ready to take the wheel, climb on to of the bull and up out of that plane into a new life." "Sure," she says, "I'm up for it, I've been expecting this to come along. What took ya so long." "Oh nothing" life answered back, "just had to get the stars aligned right. All you have to do is take the step." Same life just new places to go ,see, experiences to grasp onto and hold in your memory. opportunities to lose or exploit. "You ready?" She's already taken the step, flying through the air with the greatest of ease. Is this it? That wasn't hard, scary to lift that foot, but once removed from earth, exhilarating. A note drifts past, 'think' the only word that adorns the small sheet, "think" she thinks, "okay," and then leaps into the future of today.