How is it that over two weeks have passed already!
I really only got on here so I could show you some of my latest creations. The photography isn't great, but the arrangements are pretty nice I think.
We got throughour first Mother's Day here at Surfers Paradise Flowers. It was three days of craziness and not much sleep. We got some very good compliments and had no complaints which makes it a good day in my books.
Change of subject- How sad is it that I'm already planning what to take home with me. My list is a page and a half long of exactly which underware shall take up the precious space in my bag. My biggest concern is what gear to take. I would like to not to haul any onto the plane and get new stuff at roller con, but RC is at the end of my trip and I want to skate around the 'rents home. As Julieann would say, if this is my biggest problem in life, I think i'm doing ok.
right, didn't see the time, must start packing up. later