INSIDE: Mick has installed some temporary shelving and hooks to the kitchen that freed up some counter space. I painted a chalk board on the wall that will be coming down (the one that seperates the lounge from the kitchen,) then covered it with lists. I've also begun removing wallpaper from the lounge. Half the wall looks bad and the other half looks well, just as bad.
OUTSIDE: I've dug a big hole for a bay tree, but Roger says it needs to be even bigger! A curry plant and some thyme have been added to the rose bed and are both doing well. Next time I go out to Chandler markets I'm going to get some more thyme and other hardy herbs to fill in the bed with.
Now is the time to be digging more holes for the citrus trees we plan to grow. Roger says these have to be huge, since our dirt is so poor we have to cultivate everything. I've also put in three native ginger plants, an edible cardamon ginger, three tree ferns, a native frangipani that's evergreen, as well as a lilly pilly, and three wattles. All these plants are just seedlings, but should grow fast.
I have had a chance to do up a quick floor plan for future renovations. Please click on the image for a better view.
Let me know what you think. I'll soon be posting many ideas to fill future spaces.